Roles in PlexTech
Find your PlexTech fit!
The PlexTech Pipeline
PlexTech's purpose is to serve the entire software engineering pipeline, from having no prior experience to becoming tech leaders. We highly encourage members at all stages to take leadership roles and constantly progress every semester.

Full Stack Course
No experience necessary! Get your start in software engineering.

Project Management
Lead a team of developers. Communicate with client representatives.

Work on a client project team. Contribute to real company projects.

Oversee an important aspect of the club (e.g., curriculum, projects, events, etc.).

New Member Roles
All new PlexTech developers start their journeys through a semester-long education program mentored by course instructors, who we also recruit for during the semester! Our program forms the foundation of our club, where students receive professional development in addition to learning technical skills such as full-stack development and software engineering.

You can join the New Member Education Program with minimal programming experience. Our instructors, who have years of experience, will guide you through the basics of web development in a small, interactive group setting. You will gain plenty of hands-on experience through various projects, fully preparing you to hop onto a client project in your second semester!
Industry Client Developer
Our project developers make up the majority of the PlexTech population, with 4 client projects selected each semester for our members to work with diverse industries and tech stacks.

Work with a Variety of Clients
Each semester we partner with 4 clients, ranging from high-growth startups to established industry leaders. We also strive to have a variety of projects, ranging from fullstack development to machine learning to data engineering.

Build Real-World Projects
We make it a priority to find substantial projects where devs can have high impact on the client, whether it be an externally facing tool or building out key web infrastructure. We create an environment as close as possible to the real software engineering industry, from code reviews to testing to team standups.

Be Part of a Tight-Knit Team
Project teams form some of the closest bonds within PlexTech, going out for weekly team dinners as well as regular team socials and outings. It's especially unique working side-by-side with not fellow devs, but some of your closest friends.